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Smart vending machine fighting food insecurity with fresh produce in Frenchtown

Jun 03, 2023


A brand new way to help feed people in need in our community.

Using fresh new innovation...a Frenchtown non-profit is using smart vending machines to bring fresh produce at a lower cost to food insecure areas in our community...

The Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement Association received a grant from the Healthy Food Financing initiative to buy four refrigerated vending kiosks.

Kiosks stocked with produce that will be placed in local food deserts where people don't have easy access to nutritious food…places like the Bond community…

Meltonia Chandler, Dir. Of Operations, Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement Assoc. IN

From Dade to Virginia Street the Frenchtown area, working here I have really had the opportunity to see the food insecurity – we struggle.

The Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement Association is partnering with different community centers to house the kiosks...and supporting local businesses when it comes to stocking them.

Brianna Rogers, Marketing Director, Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement IN

We are reaching out to local farmers that are aligned with the Red Hills Farmers Alliance and different vendors who utilize our Kitchenshare at the Frenchtown Neighborhood Association because that way local dollars continue to circulate in our community.

FNIA is home to Tallahassee's black-owned Farmers Market and KitchenShare, a commercial kitchen.and this is just another step in their mission of advocating for healthier food options, promoting entrepreneurship, and facilitating economic advances in the Frenchtown community.

Bridging the gap of food insecurity in the community. These refrigerated kiosks will soon be full. Expanding the access to fresh food in food deserts around the big bend.

Brianna Rogers, Marketing Director, Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement.

We see these kiosks going into different senior centers and different community centers maybe even libraries in the Big Bend area because the foot traffic there is heavy so it will give more people the opportunity to get these local goods or fresh produce.

Fresh vegetables, salads, sandwiches and drinks…all available with the swipe of a debit card at a reduced price.

Meltonia Chandler, Dir. Of Operations, Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement Association.

The cost of the items will be based on the location of the kiosks.

Healthy food coming straight to you at the press of a button. FNIA says they hope to eventually expand the kiosks to other cities and counties in our area.

The first kiosk should be stocked and ready to provide fresh food by mid-September.
