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‘Arrow’ Season 3 Preview — Olicity Breakup, Laurel as Canary

Jul 23, 2023

Thea maybe a bit OOC, but how is Oliver being OOC? He said he only knew 2 things: a) he loves Felicity and b) he will do ANYTHING for his sister…so making a deal with the devil to save his sister because that is what he is doing since at this point in time it is the only option he has isn’t out of character, it’s in character. Oliver has been far more in character than Felicity has this season. She’s the one who is OOC. Oliver isn’t back all of 3 mins before she is turning against him and basically validating every single bad opinion Oliver has of himself – that he is unworthy of being loved, that he is a monster, that he can’t love properly, that he doesn’t deserve love, that he isn’t a hero, that he isn’t a good person. Cause that’s what she did in that alley way. And this from the character that for the previous 2 seasons has been the one person who has always believed in him (disagreed and argued yes, but ALWAYS believed in him) no matter what even when everyone else around him gave up on him. Now THAT is OOC, not Oliver doing whatever it takes to save his sister including selling his soul, giving his life etc. The writers and the Olicity fandom are risking making Felicity highly disliked by the rest of the fans (and I am a huge Olicity fan) and totally Mary Sue-ing her. If I was more cynical I would be starting to think that is exactly what the writers are wanting – to have the non-Olicity part of the fandom turn off her and then they can turn the romance part of Oliver’s story back to Laurel without losing the majority of fans! Instead of not talking to him and just making up her mind and as said somewhere else on here being judge and jury without even hearing Oliver out what she should have done is talk to him and try to find out why he thinks this is the way to do it and then to work with Oliver to try to find another way or to at least keep an eye on the horizon for one i.e. work with him instead of her trying to dictate to Oliver how she thinks things should be. Oliver is the one here who is the expert on Ra’s (at least compared to Felicity and the rest of the team) and the LoA and as such his views and opinions carry more weight in this than her’s do, that’s how a TEAM works – the person with the expertise in a given circumstance is the one whose opinions are considered more. Does that mean the others don’t get a say or have useful and sometimes even better opinions? No, but you always have to start from the expert’s point of view and move from there. Felicity didn’t even give Oliver a chance to have a discussion on it. Did Oliver come in and go this is what is happening? Yes, but he has also proved over the past 2+ seasons that he has grown to be willing to discuss things, but she didn’t even try that. If she had given him a chance to explain things maybe she wouldn’t have been so dogmatic about it. And maybe if she had done that instead of basically telling Oliver that he is as bad as Malcolm they could have come up with at least the beginnings of a plan to find a way out of this terrible situation that Oliver has found himself in. Sorry for the diatribe, but this terrible saintifying of Felicity Smoak by part of the fandom and the writers is such an awful development for both the show and the character and if it continues it will end up being the death of both.